Text Us, We Love Hearing From You:) You are in for a treat! Rosie serves the Empaths, the Lightworkers who are re-Membering who they are but would like help learning how to use their gifts and ground in intuitive ways rather than over indulging in earthly pleasures. She will help you find your Mojo. Mind, […]
02. Self Love On Your Own Terms With Angela Jordan Perry
Text Us, We Love Hearing From You:) Are you ready to experience self love on your own terms? You don't want to miss this interview with Angela Jordan Perry. She literally takes a self care getaway every month. Can you imagine adding this self care routine? How would you feel? What kind of wife, mom, […]
01. Kick Off: Why Are You Never Satisfied My Dear?
Text Us, We Love Hearing From You:) Welcome to my podcast, Conversations With Hicunni! This is the kickoff, the first episode! This episode sums up the vision for this podcast. As women we are always trying to compare, pluck, and tuck to make ourselves ‘look better’. There’s nothing wrong with adding some self care. However, […]
There’s No Cookie Cutter Weight
The hourglass figure is not the goal. The goal is to be comfortable in your own skin to love yourself where you are. – Hicunni Chandler We are going to talk about Your body and weight. Our world has an obsession with trying to lose weight and get to that perfect body. There […]
Your Eating Journey
Your eating journey is empowering- Hicunni Chandler In this video you get to pull back the layers of why you eat. This is a behind the scenes, early morning chat with myself As a Mind Body Eating Coach my goal is to help women in business transform their beliefs about food and body. One […]