How Using Thyme Isn’t A Waste of Time


How Using Thyme Isn’t A Waste of Time

Know your body. Whatever you eat, drink, and put on your body, you need to know what works and what doesn’t. You need to learn what works for your child’s body.

Are you that mom that gives your child Benadryl with the sign of a little sniffle? Or maybe if their throat feels a little scratchy,  you get out the throat spray.

I am not fussing at you, if that works fine, however, can you consider another way?

Have you considered your child may not be coming down with ‘something’ he/she may have a food allergy?

According to Food Allergy & Education (FARE), researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans have food allergies.

Sometimes it can take hours or days before their body shows a reaction to something. So what should you do?

  • The body needs 24 hr support.
  • What are you doing, or taking to give your child’s body what it needs?
  • Do you know what it needs?

Have you tried using herbal remedies?

Herbals, essential oils, smoothies, lemon water, and other natural methods can help keep your child’s body above the wellness line. We are going to dive into a lot of these in upcoming posts.

Education is key but it means nothing until you apply and share it with others.

We keep a lot of thyme around the house to help support our immune system. You can make a thyme tea or ‘cough syrup’ and just keep the excess in the frig.

We’ve used this recipe for a few years and even some of my extended family uses it as their ‘go to’.

Thyme Tea / ‘Cough Syrup’

2 cups of water
1 cup of thyme
1/2 to 1 cup of honey
lemon juice/oil optional
peppermint oil optional


-Bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
-Pour in 1 cup of thyme, turn off the stove, and cover.
-Let stand until cool.
-Strain and pour into a jar.
-Add honey and shake well.
-Store in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Disclaimer: This is not used to diagnose or treat any specific disease or illness. This is used as a natural alternative. Please research and use your own judgement when using natural alternative elixirs.

What do you do/use to keep your child above the wellness line?

Click here if you need help figuring out if you have food allergies/sensitivities.

Relevant Resources


You can do this!

Hicunni Chandler, Certified Mind Body Eating Coach & Food Strategist


Certified Eating Psychology & Mind Body Nutrition Coaching is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. The information provided on this website, one-site and virtual coaching sessions, workshops, programs, classes, podcasts, and products is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your health care provider, practitioner, or doctor before changing your diet, eating or health/care program.

Publish on: Nov 21, 2016 at 17:34
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