Watch Your Mouth – Speak with Kindness to Yourself and Others

264. Watch Your Mouth – Speak with Kindness to Yourself and Others

In this episode of How To Be Fit Over 40: Midlife Conversations with Hicunni, we delve into the transformative practice of speaking kindly to yourself and others. Words carry immense power, and how we speak—both internally and externally—affects our mindset, relationships, and overall health. During midlife, when challenges and changes often arise, choosing kind words can help improve emotional well-being and strengthen your confidence.

You’ll learn:

  • How negative self-talk impacts your physical and mental health.
  • Practical strategies for shifting from criticism to kindness in your inner dialogue.
  • Why being mindful of your words to others can improve your energy and relationships.

Over the next 5 days, make a conscious effort to monitor your words. When you catch yourself being critical, pause and reframe the thought with something kind or neutral. At the end of each day, reflect on how this practice made you feel.

Want to elevate your mindset and relationships with the power of kind speech? Tune in to the full podcast episode here.
