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224: Power Up with Strong Nation: Unleashing Fitness and Boosting VO2 Max

A survey went out “What is the number one fitness item on your to-do list?” Patriciz’s response?  “Strength Training”  Welcome to ‘How To Be Fit Over 40’! I’m [Your Name], and in today’s episode, we’re powering up with Strong Nation. Joining us is Patriciz, ready to elevate her fitness journey and boost her VO2 max. […]

223: Michelle’s Musical Motivation: Crafting the Perfect Workout Playlist

A survey went out “What is the number one fitness item on your to-do list?”  Michelle’s   response?  “Good Music”  Welcome to How To Be Fit Over 40, Midlife  Conversations with Hicunni. Today, we’re diving into the power of music with Michelle, who’s on a mission to elevate her fitness routine with the perfect workout […]

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